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2024年03月11日 17:27  点击:[]


聪,女,工学博士,bet体育365官网正规讲师,硕士生导师。2021年于西安交通大学材料科学与工程专业获得工学博士学位。博士期间于西安交通大学金属材料强度国家重点实验室、西北有色金属研究院联合培养。一直从事钛合金制备、钛合金组织演变和力学性能表征的基础研究工作,特别是在钛合金组织性能调控、相变和组织演变、形变损伤断裂表征及强韧化方面具有丰富的知识积累。先后参与了国家国际科技合作项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目等,主持bet体育365官网正规引进人才基金项目、企业合作横向课题多项。研究成果在金属材料领域知名期刊《Journal of Materials Science and Technology》、《Materials Science and Engineering A》、《Materials Characterization》等学术刊物发表SCI论文共18篇。


1. 新型高强韧钛合金固态相变-组织演变-强韧化机理的协同研究

2. 钛合金成型工艺原理分析





1. Cong Wu, Qinyang Zhao, Shixing Huang, Yongqing Zhao, Lei Lei, Junqiang Ren, Qiaoyan Sun, Lian Zhou. Deformation mechanisms in a β-quenched Ti-5321 alloy: In-situ investigation related to slip activity, orientation evolution and stress induced martensite, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2021, 112: 36-48 (期刊论文)

2. Cong Wu, Qinyang Zhao, Shixing Huang, Yongqing Zhao, Lei Lei, Qiaoyan Sun, Lian Zhou. New insights in the development of α phase during continuously heating in a β-quenched Ti-5321 alloy, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2022, 103: 29-33 (期刊论文)

3. Cong Wu, Yongqing Zhao, Shixing Huang, Qiaoyan Sun, Lian Zhou. Effect of cooling rate on a variant selection and microstructure evolution in a near 13 Ti-5Al-3Mo-3V-2Cr-2Zr-1Nb-1Fe alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 841: 155728 (期刊论文)

4. Cong Wu, Yongqing Zhao, Shixing Huang, Lei Lei, Qinyang Zhao, Qiaoyan Sun, Lian Zhou. Microstructure tailoring and impact toughness of a newly developed high strength Ti-5Al-3Mo-3V-2Cr-2Zr-1Nb-1Fe alloy, Materials Characterization, 2021, 175: 111103 (期刊论文)

5. Yongqing Zhao, Cong Wu, Huan Wang. Advance in Relationship Between Tensile Strength and Toughness for 1200 MPa High Strength and High Toughness Ti-Alloy with Damage Tolerance, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2022, 51(12): 4389-4397 (邀请综述)

6. Qinyang Zhao, Qiaoyan Sun, Shewei Xin, Yongnan Chen, Cong Wu, Huan Wang, Jianwei Xu, Mingpan Wan, Weidong Zeng, Yongqing Zhao. High-strength titanium alloys for aerospace engineering applications: A review on melting-forging process. Materials Science and Engineering A, 845 (2022) 143260. (邀请综述)




电话:029-86168976Email: wucong@sust.edu.cn


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